X-Cart Developers: Why Go Through the Extra Cost?

. Tuesday, April 27, 2010
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Opening an online business is a good idea. You get more customers, more publicity, access to international markets, and payments in advance.

You also hear that opening an online business is easy. However, most people that want to open an online business are looking to open an online version of their brick and mortar business. And while it’s true that the process of opening an online business is rather easy, it requires knowledge and skills on programming and coding. And if you have a brick and mortar business, chances are that your education and skills are about whatever your business is about, not about coding and programming.

For example, X-cart is often praised as a very efficient and feature rich shopping cart software program. And it’s true; it allows you to do many things that other shopping programs don’t (specially open source shopping cart programs). However, do you know things like payment gateways, hosting, MySQL database, PHP, protocols, etc? Yes, you can educate yourself on the subject and practice until you handle them, but with a business to run, most people don’t have the time and energy it requires.

That’s why sometimes it pays to hire X-cart developers for you. Yes, the cost will increase as paying for the X-cart software already costs $115 (at the time of writing this article), but in return you will save something more valuable, your time.

Consider this analogy, when your car breaks down, you don’t usually have the skills and knowledge to fix it. You could learn them and fix your car yourself, but it’s much faster and convenient to pay a mechanic to do it. X-cart developers are no different; you pay to get a job done so you can dedicate your time to other things.

X-cart developers have yet another advantage. Unlike fixing a car, creating a website requires some originality and creativity. In addition, X-cart developers can advise you on what features are the most successful or advisable for your website. This will result not only in a page that works, but a page that has a higher conversion of visitor to purchaser.

Finally, while hiring X-cart developers has a cost, the end result will bring you more sales over time. Plus, if you hire developers on other countries, like India, you get the same level of quality at a much cheaper price.