Comparing Companies That Offer Online E-Commerce Solutions

. Tuesday, February 9, 2010
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Due to the increase of trading over the Internet, most companies and some individuals are hiring companies or developers that specialize in online e-commerce solutions for their websites. They know that the potential increase of their sales online depends greatly of the quality and design of their webpage, and thus, they are prepared to spend the funds needed in an attempt to increase their profits.

Ecommerce Development Company

However, it can be difficult to select a good and cheap supplier. They all promise you great results, but whether they deliver them or not is another matter. There is also the problem of what is considered a “great result;” which is not very concrete, even when it’s measurable.

For example, what is better? a company that offers “more sales”? or a company that offers “customer awareness”? Both of these terms are rather ambiguous and difficult, if not impossible to measure. Note that no company will guarantee you a minimum amount of sales, for instance “sales of $10,000 in one month.” But then again not even regular publicity and promotion techniques will offer those kinds of guarantees.

One solution is to study the exact online e-commerce solutions that are offered, as these are much more measurable. They also resemble traditional advertisement. For example, 1,000 banner ads on 200 different websites. Another common technique is the creation of a blog with articles relevant to the products of the company. These articles are usually filled with keywords related to the company’s business. A third example is posting on forums. Let’s say 1,500 posts on 300 forums.

While these online e-commerce solutions are measurable, they still don’t guarantee sales. You can have a thousand people see your ad, but they won’t buy your product unless they find a cost benefit ratio that’s better than the alternatives. However, when well done, they can be very effective.

One of the latest and most popular online e-commerce solutions is purchased traffic. Let’s say, 5,000 visitors per day. In this way, you skip the advertising process and get the traffic that would have been generated by the advertising. This solution is popular because it’s very easy and cost effective.

Of course, none of these will guarantee sales, just more traffic and more people that see your company and your products. This can increase the level of sales, but still, how do you compare all these companies?

In my opinion, a simple subjective test is the best way to go. Just go to the webpages of these companies that offer online e-commerce solutions. Does the page of a specific company make you want to find out more about its products and services? If it does, then you have a strong candidate. If it doesn’t, just keep looking.